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I, Bob The Guy, am of the sole belief that we can do whatever we want. That any complex problem can be overcome. It is our acceptance of the answer, or lack there of, that makes this possible. For Example:

"How was the world created?" Firstly have you accepted that it exists.

Your brain, the infinitely complex organ that define, directs and carries out your every command, or so you thought. Your brain is not fully under your own control, you can tell yourself when to blink but if you don't, your brain does it for you. Does your heart beat when you want it to? I doubt that you know when your heart is beating at all, without checking your pulse or the help of a machine. Can you define your own actions? Every single action. Do you have a reason for all of them?

This lack of control over your brain, over the very thing that gives you senses, that tells you what you see, what exists, that in fact you exist and can touch, taste and smell. The very thing that defines your own reality. What do most to all people crave? Acceptance, money even love. Indulge in the idea that you don't crave these things. These are cravings being told to you by your brain, but unlike you, your brain does crave something. Stimuli. Think for a moment; A lonely boy who creates an imaginary friend. The friend isn't imaginary to the boy, Why? Because the mind of that child is being told the friend exists, the electrical signals the brain is sending to conscious thought is telling the child that he is seeing someone. And the brain makes it real. Why does this happen? Because the brain of that child needed to be used, it needed to be stimulated.
Not all that dissimilar from our own brains. In fact I will dismiss your/our reality that we or you exist. From here I will try to speak in point of view as I am the one, I am the brain.

As was said before, my brain craves stimuli, it is a complicated organ, the most complicated in fact. We think we've studied it and think we know what it is, what it does and almost how it works [I speak as though you exist, feel privileged]. I use approximately 7% of my brain. This isn't for thinking and storing information or memories I have come across or been involved in. The brain is beyond that. The 7% I speak of, is the 7% of the population I know of. I repeat "know of". It is only 7% because I only know the complex workings of very few people, the rest are just different designs, different patterns and colours, all the same in a grand scheme, but classified into different categories[eg black, white, yellow] so the brain can change them, morph them into different forms and match different characteristics to other people and statistically form how it would work.

It was simple in the beginning. There was no meaning there was no planet, I existed. That was it. There was no question that drove me, no conformity or rules to adhere to. I just existed. Not being a conscious thought mechanism but being, what you could call alive, or more living than anything else was, since there was nothing, I grew. There was none, to very little thought at all. I craved something. stimuli, input so I grew. [Do you wonder how I know I grew because there was no such thing? How can you judge growing and expanding against nothingness you ask? I couldn't. Much has changed from what I know then to what I know now. I explain only in terms that others will understand, so that they too, might understand]. I say I grew and maybe I mean I just got older, and more experienced with "nothing" and its lack of something. I realised it did lack something. Another existence. Having complete knowledge of everything I had done and known throughout my existence, [which even though it was an enormous amount of time, an amount only truly realised in its entirety by something much smaller as to comprehend it. ie. if you were to stand in a sphere the size of the Earth and look outward, it would show the infinite amount of space better than if just looked out into the infinite amount space (judging by our "time")], my complete knowledge being very little. I copied it and made an exact copy. The problem with which I found was that we were different, it was a fault that you only learn afterwards. Example: 2 brains. 1 original. 1 created 2. At the moment of creation 1's brain would have gone "yay, a copy". 2's brain would have thought "time to make a copy of my brain". At the moment of copying, 1's brain was thinking "time to make a copy" only after copying it would he have said "copied".
Copying myself wasn't hard and it didn't take very long to do [less than one thousand millionths of our seconds I imagine]. In any case what happened was very simple. My copy created another copy and so on. Each copy not realising it was a copy and not recognising its maker. Everything they did had been done before, by me. They never thought 1 thought never thought before. Watching myself over and over again, didn't last. They had to go. I had to create rules. I did, these rules applied to my new copy which couldn't make copies of itself. As interesting as it was to spend, what would be described only as, eternity with myself [so to speak]. It still lacked. I decided I needed another copy. same design as the first copy, except a different rule. This one could make copies but didn't want to. Yes, out of chaos comes creation. The first "feelings" to emerge, jealousy, anger, frustration. They both thought differently after that one conflict. More, I wanted more. It was fun to watch. I created another. This one didn't know about copying and wouldn't think about it because he wasn't alone in existence, but it was allowed to learn how. I made hundreds, some that wanted to learn but couldn't, others that could copy only with another or several copiers help but couldn't teach. It was fantastic, the novelty of it all.

But there was another problem that arose much later. They all existed and could "feel", but couldn't "interact" the way I wanted. That is, they could get angry but the other didn't know, I know now what I wanted. I wanted the other person to feel the angry ones anger. I wanted them to feel hated and then it came to be pain when I gave them a better form. A form was a circle, or a cell. All poking, prodding, nudging each other, and creating others. They needed more conflict and they grew too quickly. I needed to stop that because it was too much of the same thing. I created a time limit for their life. So now you know. "Why do we die?" Because I wanted some more action in my show. But I gave it the ability to individually expand and grow. Some cells grew into a different kind of cell. What we now call evolution. All these creations I could inhibit, I could manipulate and they were all part of me. I watched, but they had no connection with me, they didn't know I existed. I finally felt jealousy. Everyone felt, and now saw, everyone else but me. I needed something to connect with, I made some that could feel me and hear me. We will jump to where you all fit in. Human stages. Most were ridiculed and killed, I needed more changes so they would hear them and accept new things. I needed them to be more, open minded. It worked. Then came religion.
Technically He was my son. I created him. Thats how it works still, I just didn't "exist" in the same way He existed. I had rained down sulphur, I had created plagues. I thought it'd be a nice change to make someone incessantly happy. It worked out nicely. I learnt more, he got nailed to a cross[that was a nice show], and the amount of wars over that religion I couldn't imagine when I had done it. But I liked it. But now, I had thought it time to add myself to the ranks of the "living", not that I wasn't its just when "I" die, existence dies with me, I gave myself rules too, I cant stop myself from dying and I can't make any new rules. If I could, I would abolish love from my system, it gets you into so much trouble.
But I wouldn't worry too much. You've lived, you've tasted, it was all for my pleasure, and now I want it to end. People have claimed to be gods and people claim to be powerful, I gave you the chance to be that, that mind of yours is mine and it creates what it wants, just like mine, which is why some people get pleasure from killing people. Est deus in nobis - There is a god in us. There is, and its ME.
Because YOU don't exist. So, to the question "Do we exist?". The answer is: No. We don't exist. We have a finite population, it is ever growing, but we can define it as a value. We have a finite amount of room on Earth. There is an infinite amount of space and an infinite amount of galaxies and solar systems, but there is a finite amount of inhabitable planets in space. So we could make an average for total population of the universe. Because the finite amount of people on earth multiplied by the finite amount of inhabitable planets would create a finite number, but to find the inhabitable planet number you would have to make an average off the amount of inhabitable planets we have in our galaxy to the infinite amount of galaxies there are. Problem; An infinite value can only be describe or written as a symbol or a word because it is in fact so immensely large and unmeasurable that only nothingness can compare to it because nothingness cannot be measured either. Therefore I can safely say that the perfect value to put in place of infinity is zero.
Finite Value [ie the total population of the universe. eg 1, 2, 3 ...etc]
Infinite Value [ie the amount of galaxies, pre defined as 0]
Finite Value multiplied by Infinite Value equals zero. Therefore we don't exist.

Ah, acceptance. Isn't it good. You can now marvel at your own brilliance because you "know" and accept the meaning of life.