I love these mittens! They fit well, which is something unusual for me (my feet and hands are both abnormal sizes) and
they don't feel like mittens. As the name suggests, they keep your hands toasty warm. There are sheepskin inserts which separate
your fingers and also provide extra insulation. I have the internal cuffs which have a velcro strap to keep them on. There
is even a pocket on the backs to put in heat pads. Because they're a one piece glove, once they get wet it takes
forever to dry them. Most gloves have an inner which can be completely or partially removed but these don't. Like most
gloves these days they have the scrapers on them (these are only good for water, they do jack all to remove ice). The palm
is reinforced and waterproofed leather so they're pretty durable. The rest of the glove is Gortex-like material. One
of the thumb pads even has what's affectionately known as SNAP technology (snot absorption pad). This is an absolute
lifesaver if your nose starts running and you can't get to your tissues.